Thursday, March 22, 2012

Back to School

Tuesday I had an admissions interview with Ashland University for Grad school. I received a letter today that I have been accepted into the Mater's of Education program. I plan of getting a degree in Education Administration so that I can become a Director of Special Services for a district someday. That, of course, is several years down the road. For now my focus is getting back into school and trying to get my degree done as soon as possible.

When I graduated last year I said I was not going back anytime soon. Now, looking at the path my life has currently taken it makes the most sense to just go back and get it over with. I have to have my masters eventually, I will make more money with a masters and I want to get it done before Josh and I start our family.

I am excited and nervous at the same time. I know that teaching and going to school are going to be a lot of work. I hope that I am up for the challenge.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Blog

So for years I have been kept up to date on family happenings out of state via a blog. Many times I have thought to myself, I should do the same thing. On several occasions I have sat to write and cou;dn't figure out what was so exciting in my life that people would want to read about. I read about my cousin's growing families and I get to experience things with them that I miss because of the distance, but I didn't think I have anything that people needed to be upated on.

The further I think about this I realize I am dead wrong. I'm getting married in less then 5 months. That sounds like something people would want to hear about. I am half way through my first teaching job, also a large mildstone in my short life. My fiance and I are buying our first home and I'm sure I'll need to write about that process. Finally the most receant event is that I am attending RCIA classes so that I may be confirmed as a Catholic.

I have been taking these classes since Augest and with only two more left I can't believe my journey is finally at an end. I grown so much spirtually through these past few months, Sunday is quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. Even more so Josh and I can share out faith together and that has brought us closer then I can ever imagine. I am thrilled I made this decision so we can start our lives on the same path and more importantly begin on family with the same values and teachings. My confirmation and first communion are on Holy Saturday, I couldn't be more excited.